Operación Limpiada was a greatly successful joint operation between the DEA and Mexican Federal Police forces.  In the weeks and months following the mission, cartel influence was significantly reduced, and the majority of police forces were withdrawn from the province.  However, the remaining local law enforcement proved to be lax and corrupt in their ways, and the Los Culos Sucios Cartel soon spread their influence and power once more.The cartel’s brutality and diverse range of corrupt operations have caused a major stir in Mexico City.  This time, the Mexican Army will be deployed with the intent of destroying major cartel sites and occupying critical provincial infrastructure for good.

Saturday, June 10, 2023
Harris Farm Airsoft Field is located at:  271 Buzzell Road, Dayton, Maine, United States
08:00 Parking lot opens; Participants gear up09:00 Sugar House opens for check-in, rentals, & salesThose who arrive after 9:30 a.m. may not participate.10:00 Sugar House closes; New-player orientation10:15 Gear inspected; Guns chronographed10:30 Game briefing10:45 Field insertion11:00 Startex15:00 Endex; Debriefing & Raffle at MAC
Event TypeObjectives = scoredRole-playing = lightTimeline = phasedRules = intermediateTrigger time = heavyPhysical exertion = moderate
Please BUY A TICKET online in advance HERE to get into this event because our capacity is limited.
Required ItemsAdmission eTicket purchased in advanceBarrel cover on each airsoft rifleFull-seal eye protection (ANSI Z87.1) with a strapHard plastic/metal lower face mask for <15 yearsPortable hydration (at least 16 fluid ounces)Red rag (at least 1 square foot)Signed 2020 Waiver unless you already gave oneWristwatch with stopwatch timerDetailed Required Items linked HERE
Field RulesAge minimum = 12 yearsFPS limit = 400fps with .25s (1.86J)Bolt-action limit = 550fps w/ .25s (3.51J) & 100’ MEDFriendly fire counts.Gun hits count.Safety kills are optional.Noise grenades eliminate everyone in the same room.Explosive devices have several restrictions.More Field Rules linked HERE
Semi-Auto OnlyFull-automatic and burst-mode firing are prohibited at this event.  Only one BB is to be projected with each cycle of the trigger.However, we allow the following exceptions to this rule:
Hit & Respawn Rules
Details linked HERE
  • Mexican Army may not use respawn trees.
  • Even though they are larger than a basketball bombs should not be dropped by hit Army players before they have been activated on a target site.
FactionsYour faction will be finalized on game day based on your preferences, your loadout/clothing, your experience level, your friend group, any local airsoft team affiliation that you may have, and our faction size goals:
Mexican Army
Size goal: 50% of all attendeesPermanent self-respawn: Harris BridgeDress code: camo & military solidsRadio channel: 2 (462.5875 MHz)
Los Culos Sucios Cartel
Size goal: 50% of all attendeesPermanent self-respawn: Logger's EntranceDress code: civilian & blackRadio channel: 3 (462.6125 MHz)
Radio CommunicationIf you have a two-way radio, keep it set on your faction’s radio channel.  You may not monitor or transmit on the other factions' channel.  But, all players are expected to use channel 1 (462.5625 MHz) to report emergencies and scoring updates for the objectives listed belowVOX mode, hot mic-ing, and channel jamming are all prohibited.  Please familiarize yourself with your radio and program in its channels before arriving at the field.
No TreasonYou must remain loyal to the faction that you are currently on and not betray them, because any form of treason will break this game.
Restricted Spawn-campingYou and your faction are not allowed to stalk, surround, or fire upon the opposing faction's permanent self-respawn location.  Likewise, they're not allowed to camp your permanent self-respawn either.  However, self-respawn flags at forward operating bases are vulnerable to attack as described below.
Forward Operating BaseAfter the operation begins, each faction may establishing a forward operating base (FOB) at any of the following locations:  Alpha Base, Charlie Base, Fort Harris, Jackal's Hold, Marsh Base, SGC, South Bridge, Tents, or Wolves' Den.  To do so, they must place a special "FOB RESPAWN" flag that will serve as a second self-respawn pole for everyone in their faction.  However, at any time, the opposing faction may come through and deactivate it by simply taking it down, but it is not allowed to be moved or hidden by the opposing faction.  There is no limit to the number of times a FOB flag may be put up or taken down.  Any live player on the faction to whom the FOB flag belongs may move it at any time throughout the operation, and there is no limit to the number of times it may be moved.
Mexican Army Objectives
Search and Destroy (11:00Endex)The Mexican Army will begin its offensive by seeking out and destroying known Cartel operations.  Having been given critical intelligence from the United States, the Army is targeting the following sites:
  • Water extraction operations located near Leroy’s Bridge and Panda Base
  • Major Cartel fortifications located at Castle
  • Earthworks along the highway between Wolves' Den and Tents
  • Extortion and kidnapping site located at Sofa Chair
  • Armory located near the large church complex at MAC
  • Detention site at Prison
  • Forested cocaine production at Delta Base
The Army will be provided with enough “explosives” to destroy each site which will have spray paint on the ground to clearly mark where each device must be placed.  Then, the Army must use radio channel 1 to report the location of the bomb that has been activated.  After a five-minute countdown, the bomb will detonate, and the site will be considered destroyed.  At any time during the countdown, the Cartel may deactivate the bomb by arriving at the bomb and using channel 1 to report its deactivation.  Should the Cartel deactivate the bomb, they may also take it.  The device must be carried by a player at all times and never hidden.  If a Cartel player is hit while carrying the bomb, they must drop it.
Securing Territory (12:00Endex)Beginning in the second hour, conquest sites will become active, and the Army will begin to spread out to hold the local provincial infrastructure.  During this time, search and destroy operations may continue as well.  Command has deemed the following locations to be critical to maintaining control after military operations have concluded:
  • Local School building
  • Newly developing town at the former police FOB located at Echo Base
  • Small village and satellite station located at Gully Base
  • Former syndicate fortifications located at Pallet Base
  • Border smuggling route at Bravo Base
To capture a conquest site, the player must arrive there and announce it on radio channel 1.  There's no limit to the number of times a conquest site may be flipped.  Everyone with an internet connection may monitor the scoreboard in real time through this URL:  https://board.multitimer.net/view/?q=mhtp3fkqsb
Money CaseThe Cartel is believed to be actively moving their money with their forces.  If this case can be found and secured in the Army's active FOB at endex, additional points will be given to them.  This case may not be hidden in any way or taken to a permanent self-respawn location.  The case must be dropped by the player who is carrying it regardless of their faction affiliation.
Los Culos Sucios Cartel Objectives
Secure and Protect (11:00Endex)Having been provided key intelligence by corrupt government officials, the Cartel is aware of the planned Army offensive and will move to protect what is theirs.  Knowing that the enemy is coming the Cartel must spread out and defend the following locations:
  • Water extraction operations located near Leroy’s Bridge and Panda Base
  • Major Cartel fortifications located at Castle
  • Earthworks along the highway between Wolves' Den and Tents
  • Extortion and kidnapping site located at Sofa Chair
  • Armory located near the large church complex at MAC
  • Detention site at Prison
  • Forested cocaine production at Delta Base
The Army will seek to plant bombs at these locations.  During the five-minute countdown after a bomb is planted, the Cartel may deactivate it by arriving at the bomb and using channel 1 to report its deactivation.  Should the Cartel deactivate the bomb, they may also take it.  The device must be carried by a player at all times and never hidden.  If a Cartel player is hit while carrying the bomb, they must drop it.  Preventing the destruction of these sites will award points to the Cartel at game's end as well as any bombs Cartel members may still hold.
Holding the Province (12:00Endex)In the second hour, conquest locations will become active and are considered critical to maintaining the Cartel's influence.  During this time, the Army will still be seeking to destroy Cartel operations, so they must be defended accordingly.  The conquest sites in play are as follows:
  • Local School building
  • Newly developing town at the former police FOB located at Echo Base
  • Small village and satellite station located at Gully Base
  • Former syndicate fortifications located at Pallet Base
  • Border smuggling route at Bravo Base
To capture a conquest site, the player must arrive there and announce it on radio channel 1.  There's no limit to the number of times a conquest site may be flipped.  Everyone with an internet connection may monitor the scoreboard in real time through this URL:  https://board.multitimer.net/view/?q=mhtp3fkqsb
Money CaseCartel forces have decided to keep their funds mobile and are in possession of a case full of money that must be protected from the Army throughout the day's operation.  The Cartel will score if the case is in their active FOB at endex.  This case may not be hidden in any way or taken to a permanent self-respawn location.  The case must be dropped by the player who is carrying it regardless of their faction affiliation.
Area of Operations (AO)
For an interactive map, click HERE.
LeadershipSince you care enough about this event to have read this far down, please consider requesting a leadership role.  Details linked HERE
Raffle GiveawayIf you stay until endex, we'll give you a FREE raffle ticket and a chance to win a valuable airsoft prize.
Swap MeetYou are welcome to buy/sell/trade your airsoft equipment in and around the parking lot and staging area during the morning of this event.
Our Commitment to YouThe field managers and event producers will follow through with this operation regardless of the weather.  We are fully committed to delivering everything that we advertise and greatly respect the sacrifices that you make in order to attend our ops.  Your opinions and improvement ideas are valuable to us, so please share them.
This event was produced by Chuck.  If you have any questions, please ask!